Friday, September 29, 2006

On Whom is Fasting Compulsory

Fasting is compulsory on every Muslim who has reached the age of puberty, is not insane, is healthy and is a resident (not a traveler)

  1. As for the kaafir, his fasting is not accepted. This is because fasting is an ibaadah(worship) and all acts of worship by the kuffar are rejected until they embrace Islam.

  2. As for the child who wasn’t reached the age of puberty, although fasting is not compulsory on him/her, its is preferred that he/she be trained.

  3. As for the insane, he is not under any obligation.

  4. As those who cannot endure fasting from amongst the old men and women (due the weakness) or those who are suffering from chronic illness and do not expect a recovery, they are permitted to break their fast and upon tem is to feed for every day of missed fast. One poor or needy person. And as those who can fast with difficulty (e.g. an old man), they have (a choice either to fast or ) to feed a Miskeen(poor person) (for every day). (Al Baqarah 184)

  5. As for the pregnant or breast feeding, if they fear for themselves or their children, they are permitted to break the fast but are to make up for the missed days.

  6. As for the menstruating or those who are in post natal bleeding, they must break their fast and make up for the missed days later when they are in a state of cleanliness.


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